
Monday, December 20, 2010

Polaroso Poll:Which mini game should they have?

Hey!Well,there's a new poll on the Polaroso blog,asking which mini game should they have.The choices are "Dance game"and the other choice is Tic-tac-Toe.I personally chose "Dance Game",but that doesn't mean that your choice is that.It's what YOU think,not what a squirrel thinks,or a uncle.Below is a poll.It is not the official poll though,to keep in mind.Well,comment on your choice for the poll!;D

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Polaroso catalog sneak peeks

Hey!Well today,Chris was giving out a 1 special Polaroso blogger the sneak peek to Polaroso's catalog,and surprisingly,it was I.He dmed me the swf to it on Twitter,and now I will show it to you all.If you want to use this pictures,do not remove the watermark and give credit to me,because this was sent only to me.Please comment that you are using the pictures,so i don't find your site and assume that you used the pics w/o permission.
Looks like the polar bears will have different colors.Seems like one of them is orange.
The polar bear on the right must be Super Polar bear!lol xD Maybe the one on the left is waving hi to their friends while walking around Polaroso,who knows?Well,that is all the pages that were in the swf.So,if you don't mind,please comment on what you think of the catalog or/and so I can give you permission to post the pics on your site.

Polaroso Database Cleared

Well,since beta is coming to polaroso in the next month or so,the whole database for polaroso has been cleared.That means that you can not log onto polaoroso currently because all the users have been removed for beta.Also,the currency for Polaroso is called"coins".And,I'm working on something new for the new year so keep on checking this blog...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Polaroso News

Hey!Well,there's lots of stuff to be done on Polaroso as beta is on it's way to burst out!Here's the post that Chris did on the blog:

Hello all Polaroso Fans! Here are the updating news:
1) New Polaroso Rooms
2) Inventory + Database
3) Polaroso App (Coming Soon)
Thanks everyone leave a comment below.
Whoever comes out with the best. Most Creative Polaroso Blog — they will get 1000 Polaroso Coins! Retweet! – You have until 1/1/2011-
Well,I can't wait for the stuff to come out!I'm trying as best as I can to create the most creative Polaroso blog,but the downfall is that I don't know how to code templates.Well,please leave a comment below on what you think about these news and how you think this site can be more creative!Who knows,your suggestion might be used!;D

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Inventory Coming Soon

Hey!Well,as there is construction going on,the inventory is almost done!Thanks to @mylescomputer for helping Polaroso with the inventory!Here's the tweet that @AdobeChris did talking about the inventory:
Isn't that awesome?Thanks again myles for helping polaroso with that!=DCan't wait to see a sneak peek of it!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

May be Fact:Polaroso Newspaper App

Well,as the staff are working to release the forum back up again and Polaroso,they are also working on a Polaroso newspaper app for the iphone!Here's more details in @AdobeChris's tweet:
If you can't see what it says,it says," AdobeChris:#maybefact Polaroso newspaper App will be here by January 1st ;D (as long as the iPhone app people approve it xP).So,what do you think?If it will be here by Jan. 1st,will you buy it?If it does,I will put the app on this site so anyone can go to it to buy it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New Stuff Coming Soon

Well,as polaroso is currently under construction and Chris tweeted on twitter that new stuff on polaroso is coming soon.What could it be?I think one of the stuff is the room I showed you last post.Here's what it said...
Well,be sure to comment on your ideas.This is stuck in my head...

Monday, December 13, 2010

New Member of the Polaroso staff

Hey,while Polaroso is still in construction,there's a new official staff member!Their twitter is mylescomputer.When you have time,follow him!Well,cya!

Polaroso Room Sneak Peek

Hey,as you all know,Polaroso is redesigning everything,and one of the staff showed a sneak peek on Twitter which is actually an swf.The swf link is http://megaswf.com/serve/85082/ and the pic is:
Looks like a water place.Hmm maybe a waterpark?I wonder...well,don't be shy to share your ideas in a comment because I may not be right!Well,cya!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Polaroso Makeover

Chris tweeted before on twitter that everything on polaroso will be resigned,except the polar bear.Here's proof:
If you can't see what it says,it says,"#fact Polaroso is redesigning EVERYTHING -except Polarbear -- for Beta ;) be prepared for a new adventure.".So,what do you think?I mean,what do you think polaroso will look like after the makeover of everything except the polarbear?This is probably due to the glitches on it,or something else.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Polaroso is online 24/7!

Yea,yea I know I mentioned this in another post but for those who still don't know,it's online 24/7.Here's the post that SwirlV made on the blog about that:

We have recently bought a VPS, and the beta is currently up and running 24/7. We will inform you via, blog, forum, twitter, etc… Go play now! http://polaroso.com/play/
Oh yeah!Well,since the register isn't open yet,it's still closed beta AKA alpha or pre-beta.Well,cya soon!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Menu window

Hey,I was on Polaroso and i am very curious so I clicked the red button and it shows the menu!Here's a pic of what it looks like:
So,what do you think?As I was saying I am very curious and if i wasn't i wouldn't have found this!xD

New Room

Well,as many of you know polaroso is now online 24/7 which means that it's online ALL day.Back to the topic,there's another new room called the Polaroso Studios.Let's see...
                                       Here's the inside of the Polaroso Studio,pretty neat,huh?
Here's what you see when you go to the door on the left:

When you click the dinos they move.
Here's a pic of the outside of the Polaroso Studios.
Pretty awesome,huh?For all of you that are wondering to get to this place,you have to go to the city.To go to the city you have to click the sign that says"Town"then click the sign that says"City" and you're there!Well,outside the room xD

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pirate Room+Walking Action

Hey well great news!Polaroso now will be online 24/7 now that the VPS is now ready.Thanks Coolnoy714,you really are cool!Well,back to the title,Pirate Room.Here's what it looks like from the main room.

view from north pole
Pirate room
view from main room

walking action,not very clear though

So what do you think of the new updates?I think they're awesome!Leave a comment below on what you think!;)